We offer metalurgical raw materials and refractory ceramics for foundries and steel works in the Central and Eastern Europe. We are looking for new suppliers and trading partners worldwide.
Products for foundries
We offer metalurgical raw materials and refractory ceramics for foundries and steel works in the Central and Eastern Europe. We are looking for new suppliers and trading partners worldwide.
PROFOUND Ltd. is the trading company specialized on import-export operations of metallurgical materials and foundry ceramics for markets of Central and Eastern Europe, where we proudly cooperate with our traditional partners for many years.
Countries of Eastern Europe (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan) represent new markets with many opportunities, but often they are characterized by high bureaucracy and administrative obstacles, limited foreign language knowledge of local people and bad financial situation of the potential clients. This is why it is always better to cooperate with a reliable trading partner, who already is approved as an official supplier and has tight connection to many foundries. We created en effective distribution system for foundry products within last few years and offer our service to the new suppliers, especially those from EU.
We export wide array of foundry products to C.I.S. and import to EU various raw materials, namely pitch coke, calcined anthracite and natural graphite. Don´t hesitate to contact us for further details.
Our new Web Site starded to provide further information about our company and products.
We moved our warehouse to a new address in BODOS Czechia, Boskovice. See further details in Contacts.
We established new office in Zlata Ruze Pension located close to our warehouse in Boskovice.
Profound s.r.o., Pod Zvonařkou 2239/6, 120 00 Praha 2 - Vinohrady
Tel: +420 731 793 892
Fax: +420 515 538 950
Vytvořil: Lukas Marecek - Graphic Designer,
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