We offer metalurgical raw materials and refractory ceramics for foundries and steel works in the Central and Eastern Europe. We are looking for new suppliers and trading partners worldwide.
Products for foundries
We offer metalurgical raw materials and refractory ceramics for foundries and steel works in the Central and Eastern Europe. We are looking for new suppliers and trading partners worldwide.
We offer a wide range of ceramic filters for filtration of steel castings, cast iron and nonferrous metals. Production capacity of our suppliers is up to 500 million pieces of filters per year. Production technology utilizes high level of automatization of all main processes. Quality of our filters corresponds to the strictest requirements of foundries and competitive products on the market.
We focus on customers who appreciate our flexibility, especially for larger quantities of standard filter types. However, we are open to the production of atypical sizes and qualities for each customer with specific gating construction.
Profound s.r.o., Pod Zvonařkou 2239/6, 120 00 Praha 2 - Vinohrady
Tel: +420 731 793 892
Fax: +420 515 538 950
Vytvořil: Lukas Marecek - Graphic Designer,
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